Feminist Friday: “Who Is a Feminist Now?”

Hello all!

As always, I want to be completely honest with you: I have a lot of time on my hands and high hopes of actually making this blog into something culturally-relevant. So, I am pleased to introduce to you my latest idea: Feminist Fridays! Each Friday (or whenever I get my shit together), I will share an article, opinion piece, blog, podcast, etc. that discusses women’s issues, especially within popular culture.

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This week’s piece is a New York Times article about public figures and their complicated relationship with the F word. (Oh, my puns….) It is “Who Is a Feminist Now?” written by Marisa Meltzer. As a chronicler of strong ladies in the media (and as an avid feminist myself), I sincerely hope you enjoy Meltzer’s piece and my new play for world domination. Just kidding. That’s what anti-feminists* are afraid of.


In any case, share, comment and argue to your heart’s content:


I’ll see you next Friday! Maybe.


Your friendly neighborhood blogger,


(Image #1 courtesy of my Mac’s screenshot function; #2 courtesy of sparksummit.com)

*Let’s just call them misogynists, shall we?

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